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Serving 学生 on the Autism Spectrum

The Raven Scholars program is an individualized, 支持365滚球官网自闭症学生的过渡项目. 这个屡获殊荣的项目成立于2011年,由Raven Trust的Tom Alberg和Judi Beck慷慨捐赠的种子基金成立. 这个免费的、以捐款为基础的项目得到了365滚球官网的机构支持. 为了服务更多的学生,该项目于2022年秋季推出了分层服务模式, 非常成功. We served over 70 students in the 2023-24 year. Raven Scholars has an average perseverance rate of over 85%, since 2016 ! 我们预计,随着我们不断改善我们的服务和学生的成绩,这个项目将会发展壮大. Please see more on our program model below.

虽然我们已经收到了大学的资金承诺,用于基础运营费用, that does not leave funding for programming activities and events. 这些编程经历是乌鸦365滚球官网项目的标志,也是建立社交技能和社区意识的必要条件. 你的 慷慨的礼物 将直接资助学生活动,为365滚球官网神经多样性的学生创造包容和有意义的体验. Please consider donating today!


渡鸦365滚球官网项目通过协调校园服务来支持365滚球官网患有自闭症的学生, 同伴指导, 社交和生活技能 coaching, supported decision making and strategies to improve academic, 社交和生活技能.

Raven365滚球官网项目将成为一个范例,说明如何让自闭症患者实现他们的学习成绩目标, develop strong self-advocacy skills and prepare for meaningful careers.

渡鸦365滚球官网项目包含支持大学战略规划和目标的价值观. 我们的价值:

  • Personal and institutional transformation
  • 学术
  • 独立
  • 多样性
  • 包容
  • 赋权

  1. 授权项目参与者取得学术成功,充分参与大学体验.
  2. 为校园社区成员提供有关自闭症的见解、支持和知识.
  3. 通过包容自闭症患者,丰富校园文化的多样性.
  4. 鼓励项目参与者发展有意义的职业,为社区做出有价值的贡献.


All freshmen and transfer students start at Tier 1 or Tier 2. Our supported transition course, INTR 101 - 07, 09, 专注于成功, is required for all Tier 1 students. 等待名单上的Tier 1学生仍然可以注册INTR 101,我们强烈鼓励他们这样做.

学生 may remain in Tier 1 through graduation, 但大多数学生在大二时被提升到二级,并可能在整个大学生涯中都保持在二级. Others may ‘graduate’ to Tier 3 where they still have access to the community, but are not required to meet with program staff on a regular basis. Tier 3 students are eligible to apply for our 同伴导师实习. All Tiers are invited to social monthly events, 组, 研讨会,并可使用活动或感官空间获得同伴导师支持(安排在周一至周五), 8点到8点之间.m. 到5点.m.). 同伴导师不会在活动空间安排的时间之外与学生见面. 

All students have a Raven Scholars Advisor who will see early progress reports, midterms and other system flags and staff will intervene. Raven Scholars并不打算提供学术建议,所有学生都将有一名学院指定的学术顾问.




学生 in Tier 1 receive the following services:

  • Planning meetings one to two times a week
    •  Maximum 90 minutes of 1:1 per week
  • Freshmen required enrollment in INTR 101, 专注于成功      
    • Exceptions reviewed on a case-by-case basis
  • Optional one-on-one social skills or academic coaching
  • 定制的行动计划
  • 程序的宣传/中介 (as needed)
  • An assigned Raven Scholars Advisor
  • Invitations to monthly social events
  • Access to Peer-Mentor support
  • Access to the Raven Scholars Activities and Sensory Space
    • 周一至周五上午8点.m. 到5点.m.
  • Invitation to planned discussion 组
  • Invitation to all Raven Scholars workshops
  • Invitation to program Discord
  • 责任协议 (如果需要)

学生 in Tier 2 receive the following services:

  • Planning meetings two to four times a month
  • Optional enrollment in INTR 101 
  • Optional one-on-one social skills or academic coaching
  • 定制的行动计划
  • 程序的宣传/中介
  • An assigned Raven Scholars Advisor
  • Invitations to monthly social events
  • Access to Peer-Mentor support
  • Access to the Raven Scholars Activities and Sensory Space
    •  周一至周五上午8点.m. 到5点.m.
  • Invitation to planned discussion 组
  • Invitation to all Raven Scholars workshops
  • Invitation to program Discord
  • Invitation to planned discussion 组
  • Invitation to all Raven Scholars workshops

需要 责任协议 和/或更多的支持可能被重新分配到一级,直到这些支持不再需要.

学生 in Tier 3 receive the following services:

  • Optional monthly planning meetings (or may request to meet as needed)
  • Optional customized action plan
  • 项目宣传
  • An assigned Raven Scholars Advisor
  • Invitations to monthly social events
  • Access to Peer-Mentor support
  • Access to the Raven Scholars Activities and Sensory Space
    •  周一至周五上午8点.m. 到5点.m.
  • Invitation to planned discussion 组
  • Invitation to all Raven Scholars workshops
  • Invitation to program Discord
  • May apply for Peer-Mentor internship

Freshmen and students requiring more support will default to Tier 2 or Tier 1, 分别, and may be subject to a waitlist.

Raven Scholars 分层服务 Model


探索: 欢迎想了解更多关于365滚球官网和参与乌鸦365滚球官网计划的学生与我们联系,并安排亲自或通过Zoom访问. Email Raven Scholars Associate Director, Leslie Gwartney, at 或致电208-885-9107. You're also encouraged to view our 常见问题页面.

登记: 专注于成功, INTR 101是一门2学分的课程,旨在帮助神经分化个体发展执行功能(组织), 时间管理, 等.), and life or social skills. This class offers education on the resources available to students at U of I, 除了教授对大学成功至关重要的软而独立的生活技能. The class can be taken for multiple semesters, up to six credits total. 这门课程是帮助学生早期养成良好习惯的好方法,强烈鼓励有执行功能问题或残疾的新生参加. This class is open to all University of Idaho students; contact the program staff at to gain an example syllabus and typical schedule.

应用: Submit an application using our online form. Email Raven Scholars staff at 或致电208-885-9107 if you have any questions. Eligible applicants will be selected on a first-come, 按先得制,并分别分配至一级或二级服务(视乎个人需要及计划的容量而定). When Tier 1 or 2 enrollment is full, students will be waitlisted.


When a spot on the waitlist for Tier 1 or 2 opens, 的先, first-serve policy will come into effect. 等待名单上的第一个人由收到申请的日期决定, and current status of enrollment at U of I. An individual will be contacted via their @vandals.uidaho.在录取名单上的下一位学生之前,将有两周的宽限期接受录取. 强烈建议你在积极的等待名单上,定期检查你的U - I电子邮件. We may also call as a courtesy, but if we have not heard from you before opening, it will be moved to the next waitlisted student. If you missed the grace period, 请联络我们更新你的申请(如果你的首次申请时间过长,你可能需要重新申请).

We cannot guarantee that a spot will open, so we want to be sure you’re aware of other U of I resources: Center for Disability Access and 资源学术指导辅导学生支援服务学术同侪辅导 和 Counseling and Mental 健康 Center. 仍然鼓励您注册INTR 101 - 07或101-09(2024年秋季),专注于成功. 本课程旨在支持时间管理和组织,除了教软技能,如自我倡导和解决冲突.




119 - 123房间

MS 4257



网络: 乌鸦365滚球官网计划

与员工见面 Map

布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心,127室





网络: Center for Disability Access and 资源

与员工见面 Map